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The Industrial IOT Platform Giving You No-Code Shop Floor to Top Floor Integration

For manufacturers who need seamless integration between departments, ATS Bus is a no-code Industrial IoT platform that provides flexibility and scalability to IT and OT systems.

ATS Bus brings true synergy from the factory floor to the top floor with all systems, software, equipment and the Cloud communicating through a single, configurable hub. Imagine what you could achieve with seamless integration across the IT/OT divide.

ATS Bus Success Story Image 1

Data Integration and Analysis on Electronics Production Line at MTC (UK)
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ATS Bus turkish success story 2

Bridging the IT/OT Divide in an Augmented Reality Project
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An IIoT Solution that Gives You the Flexibility to Manufacture Your Way

No-Code Shop Floor to Top Floor Integration

No-Code Shop Floor to Top Floor Integration

Push your shopfloor data to the Cloud, communicate between machines, get your PLM system the information it needs and more without writing a line of code.

Greater Flexibility
and Scalability

ATS BUS Provide Greater Flexibility

Respond faster to market demands by reducing the time taken to modify or replace equipment and systems for New Product Introduction.

Increased Network Resilience

Increase Network Resilience

Built-in reliability and resilience across the network give you peace of mind that latency issues and power outages won’t mean you lose data.

So How Does ATS Bus Bring Your
Plant Together?

Find out how this Manufacturing Service Bus connects all of your production systems increasing data security, network reliability, and resilience and decreasing the time you have to work on it.


Interested to know more about ATS Bus?
Download our brochure copy now.

Main Features


Universal Connectivity Across IT and OT

Acts as a Manufacturing Service Bus to exchange data between the separate worlds of Information Technology and Operations Technology.


Centralised Control and Monitoring

Complete under-the-hood visualizations of your system’s behavior, clearly displayed and visualized, immediately available and up-to-date.


Edge Computing

As an IIoT solution with localised decision making it gives you reduced latency and less bandwidth usage.

Looking For a Few More Benefits?

Well, we’ve got a few more for you! From its very inception, the development of ATS Bus as an industrial iot gateway has been influenced and guided by some of the world’s biggest names in manufacturing. It had to be – it was helping to give them world-leading connectivity. And now we’re happy to pass on that knowledge to you in our world-leading software.


Increased Data Visibility

Gain complete exposure to production data, making it easier to troubleshoot product and process issues as well as perform track and trace tasks.

Do More in 8 Hours

Save time with fewer point-to-point connections to administer as well as a single configuration portal as opposed to endless coding requirements.

Faster Industrial IoT Implementation

A standardised method of integration for all systems, equipment, devices and sensors means that the Industrial IoT can be implemented faster than you think.

Cloud Connectivity

Extract and combine data directly from anywhere across the manufacturing enterprise and then push it to the Cloud to perform big data analytics.

Improved Business Continuity Planning (BCP)

Simplified connectivity with fewer potential points of failure improves prevention of, and speeds up recovery from, potential production threats.

Accelerated New Product Introduction (NPI)

Seamless plantwide integration means that centrally managed work instructions, recipes, and robot programs, can be distributed in the shortest time possible.

What Other Features has ATS Bus Got for You?

Many-to-Many Connectivity

Publish-subscribe messaging makes data from every system accessible to any system that wants it.


Contextualised Data

Data becomes valuable information as ATS Bus adds the context of how it was collected.

Data Security

ATS Bus uses secure connections where needed and also checks the “known good” against defined schemas.


Network Resilience

Data is buffered locally and handshakes are utilised to ensure every piece of data arrives at its destination safe and sound.


Get in touch and let’s discuss your plant connectivity requirements

Success Stories

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Implementing an IIoT solution for an Augmented Reality Project

Augmented Reality (AR) is a versatile technology that has an ever growing number of uses, but one thing it needs in every situation is reliable, powerful data connectivity.
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Data Integration and Analysis on Electronics Production Line at MTC (UK)

As new technologies become available they also needed to be able to swap out machines and systems quickly with as little disruption to the production line and other connected systems as possible.
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Integrated Production Tracking and Order Handling Enabled by ATS Bus

By implementing ATS Bus the customer now has the ability to securely transfer any kind of data between the MES layer and the machine layer as their requirements increase.
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