
About Mohini Gandhi

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So far Mohini Gandhi has created 15 blog entries.

Dimensional Quality Professionals Benefit from Business Intelligence Boost

Press Release Dimensional Quality Professionals Benefit from Business Intelligence Boost ATS Global B.V. is proud to announce the release of the latest version of ATS CM4D. ATS CM4D is a world leading dimensional data aggregation and analysis software tool and the latest version has built on this by allowing manufacturers [...]

Dimensional Quality Professionals Benefit from Business Intelligence Boost2024-12-11T09:38:25+00:00

ATS Rapid MOM- A Launchpad for Digitalization Journey

ATS Rapid MOM- A Launchpad for Digitalization Journey Digitalization is a reality! While large corporations are talking about arriving at a minimum digital standard across their supply chain, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are waking up to the reality that this is the ‘only’ way forward! Modern day Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) or Manufacturing Operations [...]

ATS Rapid MOM- A Launchpad for Digitalization Journey2024-11-15T14:04:58+00:00

Experts’ Blog on Manufacturing

Smart Manufacturing Goes Mobile By adopting a ‘see and go’ approach, manufacturing teams can adopt more efficient working processes. A fellow member of the Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association, Uwe Kueppers, recently had a fascinating insight using the lean manufacturing concept that is deployed across a vast array of companies. The story starts with ‘go and [...]

Experts’ Blog on Manufacturing2022-08-18T11:17:33+00:00
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