- C++ Software Development Services for PC-Based Control System using Machine Control Extensions (MCX)
- Automated placing of materials into manufacturing process
- Integration of various equipment with different protocols
- Comprehensive interlocks to ensure safe environment
Project Scope
- Retrofitting of existing US machines to current line
- Development of Singapore machines according to line requirements
- Enable part data check and data logs to ensure traceability of information
Solution Approach
- Understanding different industry protocols (Devicenet, Modbus, etc. ) to implement in C++
- Ensure error handling is done extensively and intuitively, thus minimal operator intervention
- Conveyor and robot interfacing to place materials
The Results
- Replaced 1 headcount with UR Robot for each machine
- Achieved above 1ppm requirement for each machine
- Enhanced and intuitive safety checks of each machine
Systems, Tools & Services Expertise
- Visual C++ 2008
- UR Robot with ON Gripper
- Devicenet
- Keyence Measurement Devices
- Emerson Powertools