ATS is offering workshops to design a tailor-made digital transformation roadmap for your manufacturing enterprise.

Utilising our standard steps and a high-level approach we will lay out your digital journey and identify the actions you need to take.

The workshops will take the form of three 2-hour web-based sessions led by one of our smart manufacturing consultants. By the end of it, you will have a high-level digital roadmap with our suggestions for next steps and recommendations.


Session 1: Explore

In order to give the best advice we must first understand where we are starting from.

  • Covers People, Process, Structure and Technology
  • Standards-based assessment
  • Shop floor virtual tour
  • Infrastructure investigation
  • Survey of existing systems
  • Innovate/ Change/ Retain

Session 2: Envision

Understanding the Goals of the business.

  • Capture business requirements and aspirations
  • Define a series of targets and goals relevant to the business
  • Consider any misalignment gaps and utilise domain expertise and experience
  • Break down the targets into short, medium and long-term time frames

Session 3: Define

Setting the steps to take on the journey.

  • Transpose the Goals and Targets into an achievable roadmap with timeframes and work packages
  • Define strategy pillars and approach
  • Highlight foundational activities and dependencies
  • Define roles and responsibilities for achieving the roadmap

Book Your Workshop