Project name: Development of manufacturing information systems for industry
Project registration number: CZ.01.4.04/0.0/0.0/15_005/0000970
Name of the program support: ICT and shared services – I. Call
The project is to develop software solutions which are collectively called Manufacturing Information Systems (MIS). These MIS will be suitable for deployment in operations with discrete manufacturing e.g. the aerospace, automotive or electrotechnical industries. Furthermore, these MIS can be used for batch-type operations e.g. in the food or pharmaceutical industries.
The project aims to successfully develop and implement MIS which supports an effort of our customers to continuously improve and support strategic initiatives for sustainable development of their companies. After the implementation of the project the company, ATS aplikované technické systémy s.r.o., will be able to supply a software solution that will enable its customers to significantly increase their manufacturing productivity.
The project is implemented within the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness and financed by the European Regional Development Fund.