The Secret to Disruptive Manufacturing

Martine Melis, asks ‘What’s the “one question” manufacturers ask us?’ and discusses the shifting perspectives of organisations and people/users. She also delves into The How of disruptive manufacturing.

Why Digital Threads are Just a Matter of Time,
Not a Utopian Dream

Martin Kelman asks why frictionless digital threads and horizontal integration have still not been achieved and also looks to the future and what must happen for it all to be achieved.

More About ATS Global

ATS Global is the Independent Solution Provider for Smart Digital Transformation. We are a passionate automation, quality and IT enterprise delivering tangible business value to our customers world-wide.

More About Atlas

Atlas creates software as a service (SaaS) solutions, increasing efficiency and opening the door to the fourth industrial revolution. Atlas is the innovation core of ATS Global, providing cutting edge solutions to the problems of the future.