Komunita ATS podporuje zaměstnance, kteří se chtějí osobně podílet na charitativní akci v rámci místní komunity. Svou aktivitou mohou získat finanční příspěvek od ATS na dobrou věc.
Výběrová komise se schází jednou za čtvrt roku a rozhoduje, kterou žádost podpoří. Chcete získat peníze pro neziskovou organizaci? Popište svůj záměr a o jakou aktivitu se jedná a odešlete žádost.
Komunita ATS spojuje lidi, kteří se nebojí pomáhat. Přečtěte si jejich příběhy a inspirujte se.
Martin Kelman: London Marathon for Mind The Mental Health Charity
I’m sure we are all aware of people that have attempted to commit suicide or unfortunately that have succeeded..
Russ & Lisa Cartwright:
Ramathon for MS
On Sunday 5th of June 2016 myself and my wife Lisa took part in and completed the Derby Ramathon….
Wendy Damman:
Cycle 4 Plan Zambia 2016
In November 2016 I will go to Zambia with 35 other adventurers to cycle 600 kilometers in 7 days to…
Martin & Lisa Kelman: Swimming 15 km in 3 days in Isle of Scilly Swim Challenge in support of their nephew George
September 2019. George is on the cusp of getting into the British swimming team to represent the UK at major events…
Fighting Back for Jack; Russel Young’s request in 2014 was first ATS Community Charity
Last year in October 2013, my 3 year old Nephew, Jack, was diagnosed with a degenerative condition called Muscular …
Ronald den Teuling: Running Chicago Marathon for Kika Foundation fighting Cancer in Children
Ronald ran 40 km in the Marathon of Chicago (US), October 7th 2019 for the Kika Foundation fighting Cancer in Children.…
Theo Schijff:Cycle for Plan Zambia
Cycle for Plan – Zambia and Cycle for Plan has been a ground-breaking bike adventure that hopefully…
Paul Baggott: Swimming 2 Miles for Macmillan Cancer Support
My family has been, like many other, touched by cancer and each year I try to stretch myself to achieve..
Dorothea Sanchez: Helping Children in Detroit
I wanted to inform you of a wonderful cause that in August 2015, ATS helped bring to life. I am very involved within my church…
ATS UK Sponsors the Keswick-to-Barrow Charity Walk
The UK branch of ATS is pleased to be a main business sponsor of the Keswick to Barrow (K2B) Walk for 2019..
Russ & Lisa Cartwright: Great North Run for Guide Dogs
As part of our annual efforts to help support charities that are close to my heart, on 10th September 2017 myself..