As we launch in to 2017, I am sure that we all hope that the business environment in Australia will steadily improve and that with improvements in commodity prices and some growth in consumer confidence we will see some positive outcomes for our local manufacturing industry. Government support for advanced manufacturing, continued growth in the food and beverage sector, an emerging defence-led manufacturing sector, and a realistic value to the Australian dollar certainly give me cause to be optimistic that Australian manufacturing will steadily recover over the next few years.
Key to leveraging the opportunities for recovery and growth is the ability for our customers to make smart procurement decisions about purchase of new plant and equipment.
With over 30 years of experience in the automation and manufacturing IT sectors, ATS can help you make smart decisions and implement highly-productive solutions.
Automation and Manufacturing IT Strategies
The ATS Consulting and Advisory team can assist you to build automation and manufacturing IT strategies that ensure that production systems are maintainable, scalable and sustainable. We do that by taking time to understand your business context and then developing or supporting appropriate approaches to technology adoption and system implementation.
Our ATS Projects teams can deliver complete solutions: integrated automation systems, manufacturing operations management (MOM) systems, Manufacturing Execution System (MES) software solutions, and manufacturing IT infrastructure.
Manufacturing Software and IT Support Services
To keep your systems up and running, we provide structured automation, manufacturing software and IT support services so that, at any time of the day, you have expertise available to get you back into production when something has not gone to plan. And what’s more, by providing a formal reporting and review process with our Service Level Agreements, those services feed directly in to your Lean Six Sigma continuous improvement processes so that persistent problems get resolved.
Our aim is always to reduce the cost of unscheduled downtime and engineering support by improving system reliability and the usability of the production system software solutions.
Enjoy our video in which Little Tilly explains what automation and manufacturing software engineers are doing in ATS.
Contact us on 1300 468 288 to discuss your specific needs!
by Armin Fahnle
Managing Director, ATS Applied Tech Systems Pty Ltd
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