MESA issues this recognition to companies who have sufficient MESA Recognized Individuals to qualify (holders of the MESA Certificate of Competence). This recognition gives ATS International B.V. competitive advantage in the market place as it recognizes expertise and professionalism.Mike James, ATS International B.V的集团董事长 & CTO. 说道: ‘特别的感谢送给我们学习并通过测试获得能力认证的MES/MOM专家们, 同时感谢 Michael Hoppe MESA的授权讲师们以及帮助我们在如此短的时间内成为MESA的第一家认可机构的成员们!’
MESA’s recognition programs aim to build greater market awareness of individuals and businesses dedicated to our goal: educating the global marketplace on how and why to leverage modern Information Technologies in production operations. By doing so, we are looking to engage more constituents in pursuit of a common goal and to help manufacturers, producers and solution providers find each other more easily and work together more effectively.
生产制造企业解决方案协会(Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association) 是一个面向生产制造者, 解决方案供应商以及系统整合, 分享标准与最佳实践的全球性的组织.