ATS has bought the business and software of the Inspect product line. ATS Inspect was originally developed as visual defect quality tool primarily for the automotive industry. The product has since been expanded and is now used in a wide range if industries.
ATS has also opened new offices in Mexico and South-Africa.The first half of 2009 has seen a flurry of activity at ATS as market conditions allowed the company to realise a number of long standing ambitions.
- ATS International has reached agreement with ASI Datamyte Inc. (based in Minnesota, USA) to buy the business and software of the Inspect product line, which is used in many industries:
- Cars and light trucks
- Heavy trucks
- Tier 1 Automotive Suppliers
- Electronics, Military and Aerospace
- Consumer Goods
Inspect, renamed ATS Inspect uses a unique, data collection system to collect visual attribute data for visual inspection and quality alarms/reporting and defect management..
- By acquiring the Inspect business ATS has gained an important foothold in the market for Quality Operations Management, part of the Manufacturing Execution Systems market. Existing users include Toyota, Nissan, Yamaha, Paccar, Gulfstream, Rolls-Royce Aerospace and in the USA even the US Mint. ATS will now bring this unique technology to new markets world wide.The acquisition included all employees working on the Inspect business. The software development activities will be strengthened and merged with ATS’s existing software development on the ATS Terminal Application which is used for data collection, error proofing and linking devices with human actions during manufacturing processes.
- In addition to the Inspect acquisition ATS International BV has started new operations and opened new offices in:
- Mexico
- South Africa
This brings the number of countries to 12 where ATS has direct operations providing strong coverage for customers seeking a solution partner in multiple markets, including Africa, Australia, Europe and North America.
Joint Founder and Director of ATS, Hans Damman, commented:
“Our consistent strategy of geographic expansion and innovative developments are designed to meet the laser sharp goals of our customers to continually improve productivity and quality. Our core competence is to deploy technical and IT solutions which are of business benefit to our customers. From a humble start up in 1986 ATS has become an internationally known organisation and with ATS Inspect we have become an important software development company as well.”